Gérard de Nerval and René Daumal: Two Nyctalopes

The term mimétisme used by Jean Prévost to describe the "elective affinities" that existed between Baudelaire and Poe, is equally applicable between René Daumal and Gérard de Nerval. The ability on the part of Daumal to grasp and explain, as well as experience, the same metaphysical homelessness, the same dreams and visions, as those evinced in the life and works of Nerval, is considerable. This ability to enter through the gates of ivory into a second life, the invisible and impalpable world, along with their common interest in Oriental cosmology, is especially evident in Nerval's Aurélia and Daumal's Le Mont Analogue. (HN)

Nelson, Hilda.
Volume 1980 Spring-Summer; 8(3-4): 236-51.